10-FASC_am4design 13-Confindustria_am4design 15-Viatris_am4design 16-GNL_am4design 17-Student_House_am4design 18-Mylan_am4design 19-SBM_am4design 20-BOMI_am4design 22-DRAFT_am4design 24-MaticMind_am4design

services am4design

am4design si occupa di progetti per committenza pubblica e privata, seguendo la realizzazione dell’opera dagli studi preliminari alla cantierizzazione e offrendo le competenze necessarie per una

Progettazione Integrale. 


Un approccio integrato alla gestione del progetto per il quale il Cliente avrà un unico interlocutore per l’intero processo, con un risparmio di tempo e la garanzia che la data di consegna e il budget siano rispettati.


Avvalendosi di una lunga esperienza nella progettazione architettonica ed impiantistica, e nella gestione dei processi progettuali, sono seguiti tutti gli aspetti economico-gestionali in modo da assicurare il controllo di tempi e costi.


am4architectureline1 am4engline1 am4techline1 am4proline1
 Architectural Design  Base building surveys  Bureaucratic practices Integrated mngm of the construction site 
 Premisis & Feasibility  Structural design services  Land Registry Fit-out programming 
 Cost&Time Planning  HVAC equipment design services  VVF Cost control 
 Interior Design  Electrical equipment design services  ASL Planning for Move-in 
 Base building surveys  IT system  Safety Maintenance  
 Refurbishment  Safety equipment design services  Ergonomics   
 Workplace Strategy    Risk analysis   



  • Brief – Preliminary Space Budge (Analysis of the space requirements)
  • Comparative analysis of housing options     (project and/or building)
  • Feasibility study and solutions of macro distribution_Test Fit
  • Technical and economic specifications
  • Preliminary timetable
  • Technical assistance for negotiations with the property
  • Detailed Space Budget (Detailed definition of organizational needs)


  • Space planning (Standard space, concept layout, stacking plan)
  • Funiture policy (guide to the evaluation of the existing and/or the purchase of new)
  • Preliminary and Executive project of interior design
  • Preliminary and Executive project HVAC, electrical, Data and telephone equipment
  • Structural Project
  • Bureaucratic practices (VVF, ASL,L. 10 etc.)
  • Specifications and tenders
  • Detailed layout (with names of people)
  • Assistance in the selection of contractors
  • Art direction 
  • Assistance to move in
  • Project management
  • Work management
  • Cost management
  • Safety program (L. 81/2008)
  • Information signs and safety
  • Welcome book
Am4design Technology Trend


am4design s.r.l   Piazza della Resistenza, 15    20021 Bollate (MI)   Tel. +39 023501758   P.I. 05042390962  Mail info@am4design.it  Web www.am4design.it






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